
Ritual Reconstruction and the Architecture and Art of Republican China

Ritual Reconstruction and the Architecture and Art of Republican China
摘要 '辛亥革命'是1911年中国推翻帝制的革命。'辛亥时期'则是革命之后,或言从中华民国建立至抗日战争爆发,中国社会的一段激变历程。如果说这一时期最大的特点可以概括为'旧新共存'和'中西交织',那么最能体现这一特点的建筑类型就是礼制建筑。礼制是一个国家和民族文化信仰、价值观念和行为规范的综合体现。服务于它的建筑物也是一个社会最重要和最具文化象征意义的物质与空间表现。本文试图探讨辛亥革命之后中国原有的礼制建筑的命运与新的礼制建筑出现的历史,并试图回答如下问题:①伴随社会的变革和信仰体系以及传统习俗的改变,影响中国社会长达3000余年的礼制建筑传统有何变化?②新的国家政权下新的礼制建筑是什么?③新的礼制如何影响了新的礼制建筑的设计?④在这个过程中它们的设计又是如何从中外传统中寻求借鉴的? Co-existence of the old and the new and the fusion of China with the West were defining characteristics of Chinese society in the post-Xinhai Revolution period.These attributes also existed in ritual architecture and commemorative sculpture,which I call"ritual art"in this paper.If a ritual system can be seen as a reflection of the beliefs,values,and rules of a society,ritual architecture and art would be the most significant material and spatial representation of this system.This paper investigates the history of Chinese ritual architecture and art after the Xinhai revolution with the following four questions answered.First,how did the ritual architectural tradition of China,which has a history of more than three thousand years,change after the Revolution?Second,what were the representative ritual architecture and art during this period?Third,how did the pursuit of new rituals influence the concept and the design of new ritual architecture and art?Fourth,how did the making of these new ritual embodiments made references to the Chinese and/or Western traditions?
作者 Delin Lai
出处 《中国建筑史论汇刊》 2015年第1期411-474,共64页 Journal of Chinese Architecture History
基金 financial aid from the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation resource aid from the Institute of Modem History of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan
关键词 中国近代建筑 礼制建筑和艺术 纪念 纪念建筑 modern Chinese architecture ritual architecture and art commemoration monument








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