

The Back Hall of the Son of Heaven Complex on Fengdu Mountain in Chongqing
摘要 重庆丰都名山以种种神话传说造就的独特'鬼文化'闻名于世。名山古建筑群现为重庆市文物保护单位,核心建筑为天子殿,后殿又是核心建筑中的重点。其始建年代已不可考,但据文献记载,最早当在东汉末年,最迟当在五代或唐初间。历代均有修缮或重建,现存为康熙三年(1664年)重修、民国十一年(1922年)维修后的建筑。通过对后殿建筑式样与大木构架的调查、分析,笔者认为后殿是一座典型的南方殿堂式歇山建筑,其建筑式样、大木构架、屋面'走水'、柱间斗拱采用'计心重拱造'、柱头和转角斗拱采用'插拱造'做法、缝内采用'扶壁栱'等做法等均具有宋时遗风,且与宋《营造法式》的一些做法较为接近,而非现在人们普遍认为的具有清代川东建筑特色。 Ming(Famous) Mountain in Fengdu county, Chongqing municipality, is famous for its unique 'ghost culture'. Its ancient buildings are protected at(Chongqing) city level. The core building is Tianzi(Son of Heaven) Complex(literally Hall), and the architectural center of this complex is the back hall. The date of construction of the back hall in unclear, but according to historical records, it was built sometime between the late Eastern Han and the Five Dynasties(or early Tang). Rebuilt or reconstructed on several occasions, the building in its current condition dates to the third year of emperor Kangxi’s reign(1664), although it underwent maintenance in the eleventh year of the Republican era. Through the investigation and analysis of the architectural style and timber frame construction, the paper suggests that the back hall is a typical southern palatial-(diantang)-type building with hip-gable roof(xieshan). Its form and construction recall the style of the Song dynasty,for example, its raising of the roof(zhoushui)and use of 'filled-heart'(jixin)-style bracket sets with chonggong(double-tier brackets parallel to the wall plane), bracket-arms inserted into corner and eaves column shafts(chagong), and at the bay boundary lines, bracket-arms and joists piled up within the wall plane(fubigong). These methods are close to those regulated in the Song building standards(Yingzao fashi), but differ from the architectural tradition of eastern Sichuan in the Qing dynasty(as has been previously wrongly assumed).
作者 何知一 He Zhiyi
出处 《中国建筑史论汇刊》 2017年第2期173-188,共16页 Journal of Chinese Architecture History
关键词 丰都 天子殿 后殿 调查 分析 Fengdu Tianzi(Son of Heaven) Complex back hall investigation analysis








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