
空心砌块通风墙体技术及传热模型研究进展 被引量:8

Research Process of Thermal Modeling of Hollow Block Ventilated Wall
摘要 提出采用空心砌块搭建成通风墙体,利用空调系统排风、地道风或夏季夜间凉风等对空心砌块墙体的空腔进行通风,实现墙体内部冷、热量的转移。论文回顾了国内外通风墙体的传热模型并进行了简要分析。目前通风墙体的研究包含一维、二维和三维的稳态或动态的传热模型,以稳态模型居多,而实质上瞬时传热特点对于墙体冷热负荷及室内热舒适非常重要。利用数值方法的动态传热模型可以对通风墙体进行瞬时传热特性的研究,但是此方法耗时长,且不易于嵌入传统的能耗模拟软件中进行能耗特性分析。简化的动态热网模型可以嵌入到既有的建筑能耗模拟软件中,在建筑能耗分析中是一种较好的研究方法,然而如何准确系统地确定模型的阶数及热阻、热容等参数还缺少研究。 The ventilated wall is built using the hollow blocks, the exhaust air of air-conditioning system, underground tunnel air or cooling air of summer night can be used to flow through the cavity of hollow block, in order to carry away the cool and heat stored in walls. The development of heat transfer models of this structure with concise analysis was reviewed. The current researches on ventilated walls include the steady or dynamic heat transfer models of one-dimension, two-dimension and three-dimension, the majority are the steady-state models, while the instantaneous heat transfer characteristics of wall are essential important to cooling/heating loads and indoor thermal comfort. Transient heat transfer characteristics of the ventilated wall can be studied by the dynamic heat transfer model using numerical methods, but the methods are time-consuming, and can not be easily integrated in conventional building energy simulation packages to analyze the energy performance. Simplified dynamic thermal network model can integrate them in existing building energy simulation packages, which is a good research method for building energy analysis, however,there has been a lack of studies on how to accurately and systematically determine the order and the parameters of these models, such as resistances and capacitances, are hardly addressing.
出处 《建筑热能通风空调》 2014年第4期40-43,共4页 Building Energy & Environment
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20110142120084) 国家自然科学基金(51208221)
关键词 通风墙体 空心砌块 动态 传热模型 能耗特性 ventilated wall hollow block dynamic heat transfer model energy performance
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