原文最初刊于《MUAE 2:崩塌的新建筑》一书,后经许可转载于杜克大学出版社国际期刊《界限2》第24卷第2册。文章记录了雷姆·库哈斯与三好将夫围绕一系列话题所展开的丰富而热烈的讨论,题目包括建筑学的意义、亚洲的城市化现象、全球化背景下的建筑发展趋势。在谈话中,库哈斯还进一步解释了其两部著作《小,中,大,超大》、《癫狂的纽约》中的内容,同时也对自己的多重身份进行了阐述。
This article was originally published in Collapsing New Buildings:MUAE 2,and was reprinted with permission on Duke University Press international journal boundary2,Vol.24,No.2.It records the very vibrant and informative discussion between Rem Koolhaas and Masao Miyoshi about topics such as the meaning of architecture,urbanism in Asia and architectural trends in the context of globalization.In the dialogue,Koolhaas also gave further explanation about his two books—S,M,L,XL and Delirious New York and his multiple identities.
The Architect