Rotunda PKO BP位于波兰华沙,是波兰银行(BP)办公楼群的标志性建筑。通过本文对其生成的背景和历史演变进行解读,由此可以领略二战后波兰建筑师如何在苏联建筑风格一统天下的氛围中,为求现代建筑发展的突破所进行的探索,并藉此对波兰二战后现代建筑的发展有一个概貌的认识。
This article is about to introduce the history of one of the best of the Polish Post-war Modern architecture examples- building of Rotunda PKO BP, a headquarter of Polish Bank located in the center of Warsaw. The authors are going to introduce the history of the place and this particular building, as well as the history of the Eastern Wall concept, which Rotunda PKO BP is a part of. This paper is also going to explain the difference between the post war modern architecture and socialism realism- Soviet style architecture- present in the first years after the WW II.
Architecture & Culture