
塑性加工润滑技术的新动向 被引量:4

Some new developments in process tribology
摘要 本文从环境保护的角度 ,对塑性加工摩擦与润滑技术的发展状况进行了概述。介绍了具有环境保护意识的润滑技术和成形技术的发展方向和目标 ,就变换加工技术、调整模具或工件材料、改变模具或工件的表面处理。 The development state of friction and lubrication in metal forming was summarized from the viewpoint of environment protection.The development direction and purpose of lubrication teachnology and forming technology were explained. The effect on reducing environment despite by changing manufacturing methods, altering the material of parts and adopting harmless lubricant etc. was introduced.
作者 王志刚
出处 《塑性工程学报》 CAS CSCD 2002年第4期20-24,共5页 Journal of Plasticity Engineering
关键词 塑性加工 环境保护 润滑 摩擦试验机 metal forming environment protection process tribology tribometer
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