采用正交试验L16 (44 × 2 3)方法优选了提取女贞子 (LigustrumlucidumAit)果皮红色素的方法 ,并对提取工艺条件进行了初步探索。实验结果表明 ,女贞子果皮色素宜用碱液法浸提 ,碱液浸提法的最佳工艺条件是 :碱液宜用氨 氯化铵缓冲溶液或氨水溶液 ;控制溶液 pH为 12~ 13 ;物料比为 :干原料∶浸提液 =1∶7~ 10 (w/w)或新鲜原料∶浸提液 =1∶4~ 6(w/w) ;浸提温度为 65~ 68℃ ;浸提时间为 :微波辐照下 5~ 10min ,无微波下 60min以上 ;浸提次数为 2~ 3次。色素粉的产率可达 10 8%以上 (干料 ) ,6 8%以上 (鲜料 ) ,色素的提取率为 70 2 %~ 79 1%。色素经对热、光、盐的稳定性实验和溶解性等理化性质的测定 ,结果表明色素具有良好的稳定性 。
Research on the extracting way,processing technique and technological conditions of extraction natural food pigment from ligustrm lucidum ait fruit peel by L 16 (4 4×2 3)orthogonal test were reported.The results showed that extraction rate with base water way was the highest.The optimum conditions were pH=12~13,temperature 65~68 ℃,extractive time 5~10 min(in microwave irradiation)or over 60 min(ordinary),time of extraction 2~3 times,material/extractor ratio 1∶7~10(dry material)or 1∶4~6(fresh material),respectively.The yield of the pigment paste was over 10.08%(dry material)or 6.8%(fresh material).The pigment rate of extraction was 70 2%~79 1%.The pigment paste was high stability in heat,light,salt.Its quality met the demands of the Chinese enterprise standards.
Food and Machinery