政府采购 ,也称公共采购 ,是指各级政府及其所属机构为了日常政务活动或为公众提供公共服务的需要 ,在财政的监督下 ,以法定的方式、方法和程序 ,对货物、工程或服务的购买。由于政府采购支出所遵循的公开、公正、公平的原则和购买支出所达到的规模效益 ,它的影响已超过单纯的财政支出管理 ,涉及到对国民经济的宏观调控以及国内国际经济合作领域。政府采购制度作为政府支出管理的重要制度 ,在西方发达国家已广为应用。我国自 1995年在上海市率先试行政府采购以来 ,目前已有半数省市在试行这项制度 ,取得了较好的经济与社会效益。但由于我国政府采购制度没有法制化 ,各种配套措施不健全 ,在实践中还存在许多问题。作者特撰此文介绍政府采购制度 ,从在我国建立和完善政府采购制度的现实意义和作用入手 ,并针对我国目前政府采购存在的问题 ,提出了建立和完善我国政府采购制度的对策和建议。本文共分三个部分 :第一部分分析我国为什么要实行政府采购制度即建立和推行政府采购制度的意义和作用 ;第二部分指出我国政府采购工作目前存在的问题及其主要原因 ;第三部分结合我国实际情况 。
Govemment purchase,also called public purchase means that the governments at all levels and their affiliated organizes purchase goods.project or service by legal mcans methods and prccodures in order to mect the needs of routine political activities or of public service.The influence of government purchase has exceeded the simple financial expenditure management and is concerned with macro cooperation owing to its open,impartial ane just puinciples and scale advantage of purchasing cxpenditure. As the important system of management on government expendditure government purchase system has been widely adopted in Western countries.Since it was firstly adopted by Shanghai in 1995 half of provinces and cities have tricd out this sysem and gaincd dcsirable economic and social benefits.Duc to non-legalization of China′s government purchase system and imperfect auxliary facilites many problems cxist in the practiee.In this thesis the autbor intends to start from the current significance and funceion of estabishing and improving government purchase system and then put forward the countcrmeasures and suggestions to establish and improve government purchase system in China.This thesis is composed of 3patts.The first part analyzes why China should carry through governmeot pruchase systcm that is the significance and function of establishing and promoting government purchase system The second part points out the existing problems in the current government purchase system The theird part puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to establish and improve China′s govemmcnt purchase.
Medical Equipment