采用动态接触角 ( DCA)研究了不同引发剂引发马来酸酐接枝 SBS及其热处理前后接触角的变化。研究表明 ,随着接枝率的升高 ,膜的后退角减少。当接枝率达 4 .783%时 ,后退角为零。AIBN引发接枝马来酸酐的 SBS极性成分比 BPO引发的多。热处理后 ,不同引发剂引发接枝膜的后退角均增加 ,AIBN引发的接枝样品比 BPO引发接枝样品受热处理影响更大。本文采用衰减全反射红外 ( FT- IR-ATR)分析了膜的表面结构。研究表明 ,AIBN引发的 SBS- g- MAH表面部分羰基含量更多 ;接枝率达一定时 ,表面富集的羰基含量有一激增点 ;热处理后 SBS- g- MAH表面羰基含量降低。这说明接枝的 MAH能否向表面迁移是膜的接触角发生变化的原因。
The contact angle of SBS-g-MAH initiat ed by different initiator was studied by dynamic contact angle (DCA) before and af ter anneal. DCA results show that the receding contact angle decreases as the gr aft rate increases. When the sample graft rate increases to 4.783%, the rece ding contact angle reaches 0°. The polar components of SBS-g-MAH initiated by AIBN is higher than that initiated by BPO. .After anneal, the receding contact angle initiated by different initiator both increase. Anneal has more effect on graft sample initiated by AIBN than that initiated by BPO. The surface structure of SBS-g-MAH was studied by attenuated total reflectance (FT-IR-ATR). FT-I R-ATR results show that sample initiated by AIBN has more carbonyl group on the surface than that of BPO. When the sample graft rate reaches 4.783%, carbon yl group dispersed at the surface increases sharply. After anneal, carbonyl grou p on the surface of SBS-g-MAH membrane decreases. Whether or not MAH transferr ing to the surface of membrane accounts for the change of contact angle.
Polymer Materials Science & Engineering
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