通过MATLAB应用程序接口Mex调用C++ 语言,可实现在MATLAB环境下对硬件端口信号的读写操作。其关键是,遵循Mex的特定格式来实现对C++ 的调用和开发Windows 2000环境中数据采集卡的驱动程序。采用WinDriver来开发驱动程序较简便,主要步骤包括选择采集卡向导资源、选择驱动类型、生成采集卡驱动程序等。
The data acquisition of hardware port was realized by visiting C++ via Mex interface of MATLAB application under Windows 2000. C++ call implemented according to the inherent format of Mex and development of driver for data acquisition card was introduced. The driver is developed by WinDriver is relatively simple, the main procedure includes selecting guide resource of data acquisition card, selecting driver type,generating the driver.
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