通过在Bokaro公司的热轧机上应用优化的先进工艺模型和工艺控制系统,以非常低的投资成本使其性能超出了原设计指标,最小轧制厚度由1.5 mm降到1.2 mm,而最大轧制厚度则由16 mm提高到20 mm.
Through the application and subsequent optimization of advanced process models and technological control systems at the hot-strip mill of Bokaro Steel Ltd. (Bokaro, India), it was possible to extend the dimensional range of the rolled products from the original design thickness of 1.5 mm down to 1.2 mm, while simultaneously increasing the maximum rolled thickness from 16 to 20 mm. This solution, which only incurred a minimum of investment costs, has extended the range of rolled products that Bokaro Steel now offers to the local and international markets. This paper outlines the joint efforts by bokaro Steel and VAI Automation in the implementation of this highly successful project.
Iron and Steel