
西方产业竞争政策的体系和目标 被引量:2

The Objectives and System of Industry Competition Policies in Western Countries
摘要 本文讨论美国、欧共体和日本的竞争政策的方法和体系的差异问题。美国的竞争政策侧重于追求消费者剩余和生产者剩余最大化 ,强调通过竞争的作用来达到这一经济效率目标。欧共体的竞争政策则强调在消费者福利的基础地位 ,通过协调竞争规则来促进欧共体经济一体化的进程。日本的反垄断法原本从西方吸收过来的 ,经过半个世纪的发展和演变 ,已经具有明显的日本特色 ,其基本功特征是对价格机制的运作缺乏信任 ,对规模经济神话的盲目崇拜和信任 ,结果是经常提倡和鼓励那种必然会导致寡占市场结构的兼并活动。 This paper discusses the different method and system of competition policies between U.S.A, European Community and Japan. U.S antitrust law’s goal is to focus on seeking maximal producer and consumer surplus by stressing competition role. European Community’s competition policies focus on prompting its economic integration by coordinating competition regulation on the basis of consumer surplus. Although source of the western countries, Japan’s antimonopoly law has obvious its own characteristics with nearly fifty years’development. Apersistent feature of Japanese antitrust law is that it had been to promote larger operations in certain favoured industries, because of the lack of faith in price mechanism and the blind faith in the myth of economies of scale, the government often sought to promote mergers that would inevitably lead to oligopolistic market structures.
作者 刘志彪
机构地区 南京大学商学院
出处 《产业经济研究》 2002年第1X期5-16,共12页 Industrial Economics Research
基金 20 0 1年国家社会科学基金项目"2 0世纪国外产业经济学理论发展与问题研究"的阶段性研究成果 项目批准号 :0 1BJL0 3 0
关键词 产业竞争 政策 体系 目标 发达国家 反垄断法 competition policies antimonopoly U.S.A.European Community and Japan
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