为研究冬虫夏草对人类嗜中性白血球活化的影响 ,征取健康年轻自愿者男女共 6 0人 ,以双盲随机法分为天然冬虫夏草组 (实验组 )和安慰剂组 (对照组 )。每次服用药物的剂量为5 0 0mg ,1日 3次 ,服用 1个月。服用前后检测嗜中性白血球的吞噬功能 ;并以酵素连结免疫吸收分析法 (ELISA)测sICAM 1、PGE2和LTC4含量。结果显示冬虫夏草组的嗜中性白血球吞噬功能下降 ,sICAM - 1和PGE2浓度也显著下降 ,LTC4浓度不变 ,但此种情形并没有出现在安慰剂组。提示冬虫夏草似可透过Cyclooxygenasepathway的代谢抑制作用 ,进而影响炎症反应的产生 。
To investigate the influence of Cordyceps on PMN activation of human race,60 healthy volunteers were randomized into observation group and control group.In observation group,500 mg Cordyceps was given to each person,three times a day for a total of one month.The phagocytosis of PMN and the concentrations of sICAM 1 ,PGE2 and LTC4 were assayed before and after medication.Results:In observation group,the phagocytosis and the concentrations of sICAM 1 and PGE2 reduced,but the concentration of LTC4 remained unchanged;this situation did not happen in control group.It is indicated that Cordyceps may inhibit the PMN activation by Cyclooxygenase pathway.
Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine