目的 报道 5 6例先天性心脏病伴先天性单支冠状动脉并评价其影像诊断方法。方法全部 5 6例先天性单支冠状动脉均作了心血管造影检查 ,有 4例作了MR检查。 48例经手术证实。结果 5 6例中 ,44例为单支左冠状动脉 ,其中 3例右冠状动脉由左冠状动脉远端延续而成 ;另 41例右冠状动脉由左冠状动脉近端发出。 12例为单支右冠状动脉 ,其中 1例左冠状动脉由右冠状动脉远端延续而成 ;另 11例左冠状动脉由右冠状动脉近端发出。 2 6例单支左冠状动脉和 6例单支右冠状动脉有主要的冠状动脉血管横过右室流出道 ,并均经手术证实。结论 在先天性心脏病患者中单支冠状动脉并不很罕见 。
Objective To report 56 cases of congenital heart disease with congenital single coronary artery and to evaluate the imaging diagnostic techniques. Methods All 56 patients with congenital single coronary artery underwent angiocardiography. Contrast enhancement magnetic resonance angiography (CE MRA) was performed in 4 cases. 48 cases were confirmed by operation. Results In these 56 cases, single left coronary artery was found in 44 cases and single right coronary artery was found in 12. Conclusion Congenital heart disease with congenital single coronary artery is not rare and correct diagnosis is very important for surgery.
Chinese Journal of Radiology