2002年11月13日,在西班牙西北部海域发生了举世震惊的“威望号”燃油泄潜心事件。1.1万吨泄漏燃油污染了西班牙长达400公里的海岸,4000名渔民和近3万个相关行业人士的生计受到影响,西班牙的旅游和经济遭到沉重打击。据估计,仅清理油污就可能需要半年时间,耗资4200万美元。尤为严重的是,当地的生态环境至少要十年才可能恢复正常。这是一场长久的、巨大的生态灾难。 “威望号”事件让我们想起了1999年的“埃里卡”事件。当年12月,“埃里卡号”油轮断裂沉没并造成大量石油泄漏,300万加仑石油给法国沿岸带来巨大灾难,40亿法郎的损失令法国至今还未能从那场灾难中缓过气来。“威望号”事件就像是它的姊妹篇。在“埃里卡”事件后,曾有人预言:未来的“埃里卡”事件将在中国发生。当黑黝黝的石油从海上涌来时,当看到西班牙海岸的惨状时,我们不禁感到恐惧,“埃里卡”或者是“威望号”悲剧会不会真的在中国重演?
On 13 November 2002, the sinking of 'Prestige' astonished the world with huge amount of oil spill along the northwest sea in Spain whose tourism industry was severely stricken, even the economy at large. With great increase of oil imports, more and more large oil tankers visit ports China, increasing the possibility of oil spill accidents, in China waters. Oil tankers, if run into accidents, will not only affect the coastal area but loom over the entire economic development of China. Experts within the industry call for enhanced management of oil companies and monitoring of oil tankers so as to keep nip in the bud.
China Ship Survey