王士祯是清代著名的文学家之一。三百年来 ,王士祯研究的范式不断变化 ,研究也不断趋于深入。特别是改革开放以来 ,王士祯研究步入了一个新的活跃时期 ,对王士祯的审视也趋于全面与客观。总起来看 ,呈现出以下几个特点 :开始从追根溯源和整体的宏观角度探讨“神韵”说的渊源、内涵及其得失情况 ;开始关注其诗学理论与诗作、词学理论与词作的关系 ;对于王士祯与赵执信在诗学观上的分歧及其关系的考辨成为关注的重点 ;研究范式上突破了前此相对单一板滞的局面 ,呈现出多元化、多视角、多层次的态势 ,体现了一种当代性特征 。
Wang Shizhen was one of the famous litterateurs in the Qing Dynasty. The paradigm of research concerning him has been changing and inclined to be more profound. The relevant study has stepped into a new active period and tended to be thorough and objective especially after the reform and opening up of China. In general the research has taken on the following features: the probe into the origins, the connotations, the merits and demerits of the “romantic charm theory” from the macroscopic angle of the whole; the concern on the relationship between his poetic theory and poetry, his theory on ci and relevant works; the focus on the study of the disputes over poetics and the relationship between Wang Shizhen and Zhao Zhixin. Moreover, the paradigm of research has broken through the former situation of relative monotony and tended to be pluralistic and multi dimensional. It presents contemporary characteristics and indicates the development and maturity of the research into Wang Shizhen.
Qilu Journal
Wang Shi zhen research
Lingering charm theory
poetry theory
ci theory