黄河断流存在人为和自然两方面的综合原因 ,其中自然因素中又以气候为主要影响因子。该文利用 1 95 1年~ 1 999年近百个站点的温度、降水资料 ,采用泰森多边形法计算了黄河上、中、下游各流域的面雨量和温度 ,对黄河流域近 5 0a来温度、降水的气候特征进行了分析 ;根据 1 92 0年~ 1 999年近 40个站点的温度和降水资料 ,讨论了温度、降水与黄河断流的关系。结果表明 :1 92 2年~ 1 93 2年气温较高 ,降水量偏少是造成黄河流域对应时段连续枯水的主要气候原因 ;最近二、三十年以来的黄河断流 ,除了温度和降水等气候因子的影响外 ,人类对黄河水资源不合理的开发利用以及黄河流域生态环境的恶化等因素均具有不可忽视的重要影响。
In recent years, Turnoff of the Huanghe River has gained much concern. It has been argued that the turnoff of the Huanghe River results from complex reasons including natural and man made factors. Among the natural factors, impact of climatic factors is more important and more direct. Therefore, this paper analyzes the impact of climatic factors on the turnoff of Huanghe River by employing empirical data. Temperature and rainfall data set from 1951 to 1999 of nearly 100 stations in the Huanghe River valley are used to calculate the amount of area rainfall over upstream, midstream and downstream area respectively by the Tasin polygonal method. Based on the calculating result, climatic characteristics in terms of temperature and rainfall within 50 years along the Huanghe River valley are analyzed. Almost 40 sites data of temperature and rainfall from 1920~1999 in the Huanghe River valley are used to discuss the impact of temperature and rainfall on the turnoff of Huanghe River. The conclusion is that from 1922 to 1932, higher temperature and less rainfall directly resulted in the low water of Huanghe River valley. While in recent two or three decades, apart from climate factors, influence from human activities, such as over development, unreasonable using of water resources and destroy of eco environment of the Huanghe River, is growing more evidently, whose negative impact on the turnoff of Huanghe River should be concerned a lot.
Resources Science
国家科技基础性工作专项资金项目 (编号 :2 0 0 1DEA3 0 0 2 9-0 6)资助
Area rainfall
Turnoff of Huanghe River
Climatic characteristics