
民族理论与民族政策的教学和研究要与时俱进 被引量:4

Keeping Pace with the Times in Teaching and Researching into Theories and Policies about Nationalities
摘要 我国的民族理论与民族政策的教学和研究,要与时俱进,要以马克思主义民族理论、中国共产党三代领导集体的民族理论为指导,特别要以"三个代表"重要思想为指导确定方向;民族理论与民族政策的教学,要理论联系实际,贴近培养目标,学以致用,当前特别要突出"五观"教育;民族理论与民族政策的研究,要立足现实,把握重点,进行理论创新,当前特别要着重研究五个方面的问题。 In teaching and researching theories and policies about nationalities, it is necessary to keep pace with the times, and it should be under the guidance of Marxist theories about nationalities, especially under the guidance of 'Three Represents' theory. In teaching, we should link theory with practice, put what we have learned into practice and put emphasis on 'Five Concepts' education; in the research, we should base ourselves on the present situation, grasp the focal points, and give priority to five problems.
作者 金炳镐 张谋
出处 《中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第2期5-10,共6页 Journal of South-Central Minzu University (Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 民族理论与民族政策 研究和教学 与时俱进 theories and policies about nationalities research and teaching keep pace with the times
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