
机关事业单位养老保险刍议 被引量:1

Brief Disussion about the Endowment Insurance System of Our Government Organizations and Institutions
摘要 国家对社会保障的管理体制进行了重大调整 ,标志着我国社会保障事业已到了职能归口、整体协调推进的主要阶段。机关事业单位的养老保险也在逐步增强 ,养老金社会化发放 ,作为加强离退人员社会管理与服务工作的一项重要内容 ,它不仅仅是我国社会保障制度的客观要求 ,而且关系到我国改革、稳定、发展的大局 ,做好这项工作尤为重要。 The fundamental adjustment of the social security system, which is made by our government, indicates that the social security system project of our country has stepped into a critical stage At this stage, corresponding functions and obligations should be adapted to the right functional sectors in the government; the project should be put forward in an overall way coordinately Meanwhile, the endowment insurance system of our government organizations and institutions is being reinforced gradually as well The socialized distribution of old-age pension, which acts as an important content of strengthening the socialized management and service to the retirees, is not only the objective requirement of our country's social security system development, but also vital to the overall situation of its reform, development and stability So, it is especially essential to do the work well
作者 程利和
出处 《石家庄经济学院学报》 2003年第1期44-46,共3页 Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics
关键词 养老金 社会化发放 管理 改革思路 old-age pension socialized distribution management ideas of reform
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