为履行WTO协议要求的统一、公正、合理的原则 ,我国必须尽快改变立法的混乱局面 ,加快法制统一的步伐 ,在立法的原则、主体、权限、程序、监督等方面建立和完善相应的制度 ,使我国各种法律规范成为相互联系 ,统一协调的有机整体 ,以迎接WTO对我国法制建设的挑战。
In order to perform the WTO's principles-unification and fairness.We are supposed to get rid of the confusion of legislasion and stengthen the legal system.Other relevent system should be set up perfectly in such aspects as the principles?subjects?rights and procedure as well as its supervisions, etc,which could make other kinds of laws and rules become organic entirety of mutual coordination and meet the WTO's challenges to legal construction.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics