
反倾销司法审查制度之比较——兼谈反倾销司法解释的理解和适用 被引量:12

作者 孔祥俊
机构地区 最高人民法院
出处 《法律适用(国家法官学院学报)》 2003年第1期6-13,共8页
  • 相关文献


  • 1"DUMPING AND SUBSIDIES: The Law and Procedures Governing the Imposition of Anti - dumping and Countervailing Duties in the European Community" (third edition), by Clive Stanbrook, O. B. E.,Q. C. and Philip Bentley, Q. C., Kluwer Law International, p. 209.
  • 2John H. Jackson, Dumping in International Trade: Its Meaning and Context, in ANTIDUMPING LAW AND PRACTICE 2 - 3(John H. Jackson & Edwin A. Vermulst., 1989); Thomas v. Vakerics et al., antidumping, Countervailing Duty, and Other Trade Actions 23 - 193.
  • 3Case 191/82, FEDIOL v Commission, [1983] ECR 276.
  • 4Joined Case 239/82 and 275/82, Allied and others v Commission, [1984]ECR 1005.
  • 5Case 113/77, NTN Toyo Bearing Company Ltd. V Council, [1979] ECR 1185; Case C - 305/86, Neotype Techmashexort GabH v Commission and Council, [1990]ECR I - 2945.
  • 6Case 264/82, Timex v Council and Commission, [1985]ECR849; Case 53/83, Allied and others v Commission, [1985]ECR 1621.
  • 7Case C - 129/86, Hellenic Republic v Council, [1989]ECR 3963; see also Case 121/86, E. M. V. N. a. e. and others v Council, [1989]ECR 3919.
  • 8See Case 60/81, International Business Machines v Commission, [1981]ECR 2639.
  • 9Case C - 170/89, Burean European des Union de Consommateurs v Commission, [1991]ECR I - 5709.
  • 10Stefano Inama, Edwin Vermulst: Customs and Trade Laws of the European Community, Kluwer Law International, P. 293 - 294.


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  • 2《美财经高官谈过热及汇率》,载于《国际金融报》2005年5月12日.
  • 3[7]Patrick C.Reed. The Role Of Federal Courts in U.S.Customs & International Trade Law[M].New York:Oceana Publication.INC.
  • 4Donald Claarke. China's Legal System and the WTO, Prospects for Compliance[J]. Wash ington University Global Studies Law Re- view, Vol. 97, No. 2, 2003.
  • 5Kal Raustiala. Compliance & Effectiveness in International Regulatory Cooperation E J 1. Western Reserve Jurnal of International Law, Vol. 32, Summer 2000.
  • 6()ran Young. Compliance and Public Authori- ty: A Theory with International Application[M]. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Universi- ty, 1979.
  • 7Andrew Guzman, Beth Simmons. Power Pla- ys and Capacity Constraints: The Selection o{ Defendants in WTO Disputes [J]. Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 34, No. 2, June, 2005.
  • 8WTO Secretariat. Trade Policy Review.. Chi- na 2010[R]. WTO Document,WT/TPR/S/ 230, 26 April 2010.
  • 9Xiaochen Wu. Anti-Dumping Law and Prac- tice of China [M]. Frederick: Kluwar Law Imernation-al, 2008.
  • 10Julia Ya Qin. Trade, Investment and Beyond: The Impact of WTO Accession on China's Le- gal System [J]. The China Quarterly, No. 191, September 2007.










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