我国刑事诉讼提起审判监督程序的方式包括决定再审、提审、指令再审以及抗诉四种方式。文章对四种方式的含义、特征、要求进行了论述 ,并着重围绕着提审、指令再审和抗诉中有争论的几个问题 ,如在什么情况下提审或指令再审、谁有权决定提审或指令再审、指令再审的下级法院如何界定 ?以及对检察院按审判监督程序提起的抗诉 ,法院是否必须受理和审理、可否指令下级法院再审 ?等等 ,进行了深入地分析探讨 ,并提出了自己的观点。
The China's criminal procedure for trial supervision includes four patterns: retrial, bring up, direct retrial and protest. The author in this paper discusses the meaning, characteristics and requirements of the four patterns, and makes deep analysis emphatically on some issuing questions centered on bringing up, direct retrial and protest such as in what situation to make bringing up and direct retrial, who has the right to decide bringing up or retrial, how to define the low court under direct retrial, whether or not the court must hear and try or direct the low court to retrial the case to which the procuratorate has made protest, etc. The author also raises his own viewpoints.
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