如何正确认识和把握冷战后国际关系的时代特点 ,是当代国际政治中一个十分重要的问题。江泽民作为当代政治家和战略家 ,明确提出了当今世界多样性与相互依存性相统一的思想。江泽民的这一思想主要包含三方面的内容 :世界是多样的 ,又是相互依存的 ;要坚持世界多样性与相互依存的统一 ;尊重自主选择 ,谋求共同发展。
How we should correctly understand and handle the features of the international relations after the cold war is a very important issue in the contemporary international polities. Jiang Zemin, statesman and strategist of our time, puts forward the thought of the world's diversity and interdependence, which mainly consists of three aspects: the world is diverse but interdependent; the unity of diversity and interdependence should be adhered to; different nations should have a free choice of their social systems and develop by seeking common ground while reserving differences.
Journal of Huzhou University