高等院校的大学生思想政治教育改革对培养大学生的创新精神和实践能力具有重要的意义 ,它体现了 2 1世纪对人才的要求。课堂教学是大学生思想政治教育改革的主阵地 ,在教育改革中起着基础作用 ,其作用可通过教师素质的提高、课程设置、采用多种多样的教学形式来实现。此外 ,还要充分重视和有效利用校园文化建设以及校园外的社会实践活动。
Education in ideology is of great importance to cultivating students creativity and practical ability. Classroom teaching is the main place to educate students ideologically. Ideology plays a basic role in education reform, and it can be carried out through raising teachers quality,course set-up, and various teaching forms. Besides, attention should be paid to utilizing campus culture construction and social practice outside the campus.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Architectural Science & Technology(Social Science Edition)