出现于明代的五卷本《东坡志林》实系真伪杂糅之书。其伪的部分 ,情况也极复杂 :有的根本不出于苏轼 ;有的虽出于苏轼 ,但不出于《志林》 ;有的在同一条中真伪交杂。至于十二卷本《志林》 ,不仅出于五卷本《志林》之后 ,且将五卷本中除“论”的一卷外的绝大多数文章收入 ,也是一部真伪杂糅的书 ,其较五卷本多出的部分 ,有些当出于辑佚 ;但是否全都为辑佚所得 。
The five-volume edition of A Collection of Sketches by Dongpo appeared in the Ming Dynasty is but a mixture of real and fake, and circumstances concerning the fake parts are all too complicated: some are not by Su Shi at all; others, though by Su, are not from his Collection of Sketches; still others find real and fake co-exist. As to the twelve-volume edition, the fact is that it does not only appear after the five-volume edition, but that the majority of Su's articles, the 'Comments' volume excluded, are also a mixture of real and fake. The additional parts not to be found in the five-volume edition must be a collection of Su's lost articles, but whether all of them belong to such a collection is yet a question to be further explored.
Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
A Collection of Sketches by Dongpo,Dongpo's Collection printed during Song Dynasty,Dongpo's Collection printed during Ming Dynasty