荀子认为礼是一种准则 ,是修身、治国的根本 ,同时也注重刑赏。礼、法二者相辅相成 ,相互渗透 ,共同构成封建统治者治理国家的两种根本方式。荀子“隆礼”、“重法”辩证思想 ,对于今天我们实施依法治国和以德治国方略有着深远的意义。
XUN Zi thought that Propriety is fundamental to self cultivation and state governing, and it also pays close attention to penalty and rewards. Propriety and law are complementary to each other and it constituted two major ways to govern the state for the feudal rulers. XUN Zi's dialectical thought about propriety and law can be of great significance to implementation of the strategy of ruling the country by law and virtue.
Journal of Anhui Institute of Education