有效的教师和有效教学理论提出了有效的教师 3个假定 :有效的教师必须清楚地了解并积极地努力实现其目标 ,有效的教师的教学目标是与或应当与学生的学习有着直接的或间接的联系 ,教学目标的水平和学生学习态度、性向及能力是影响有效教学的因素。评价有效教学可以从学习的机会和作业、课堂环境、班级的组织与管理、课的结构、师生间的交流、学生的参与和学生的成功。
The teaching theories concerning the effective teacher and effective teaching put up three assumptions about effective teachers: Effective teachers must be fully aware of the teaching goals and work hard toward them; The teaching objectives of effective teachers should be directly or indirectly associated with the students' needs; The performance of teaching objectives, students' attitude and aptitude can affect effective teaching. Effective teaching can be assessed from the following aspects including learning opportunity and assignments, classroom surroundings, organization and management of class, structure of courses, exchange between a teacher and students, involvement of students and their success and teachers' enthusiasm about teaching reform.
Journal of Anhui Institute of Education
安徽省教育厅"国外中小学教师在职培训研究"课题 ( 96 JW10 1)