以COD去除率为指标 ,筛选出可降解橡碗单宁的微生物菌株 ,其COD去除率为5 9%。通过对该菌株产鞣花酸的单因素优化条件研究结果表明 ,该菌株产鞣花酸的最适条件为 :培养温度 30℃ ,培养时间 4d ,2 5 0mL锥形瓶中的装瓶量为 15 0mL ,发酵培养基 (NaNO32 0 g/L ,K2 HPO4 1 0 g/L ,MgSO4 0 5 g/L ,FeSO4 0 0 1g/L ,橡碗单宁 5 g/L ,葡萄糖 30g/L)中单宁浓度为 5 g/L ,pH值 5 0。在此最适条件下鞣花酸产率可达 7 7%。经鉴定 ,该菌株属于半子囊菌纲 ,内胞霉目 ,内胞霉科 ,内胞霉属。
A strain, proved to be effective in degrading Valonia tannin into ellagic acid, was isolated from nature according to its high capacity of removing chemical oxygen demand(59%). The strain property of degrading Valonia tannin was studied. The optimum conditions, in which the rate of ellagic acid production achieved maximum(7.7%), was that the strain was incubated in 150?mL medium (pH5.0, NaNO 3 2.0g,K 2HPO 4 1.0g,MgSO 4 0.5?g,FeSO 4 0.01?g,Valonia tannin 5?g, glucose 30?g/L) at 30℃ for 4?d. Based on its morphological and physiologic characteristics, the strain was identified as Hemiascomycetes,Endomycetales,Endomycetaceae,Endomyces.
Food and Fermentation Industries