包装,好比是产品的外衣,除了担当其内容物的销售标志外,也起着保护内容物的作用。因此无论是对于产品的推广还是保质、保鲜都有着至关重要的作用。 如今市场上的无菌产品大都指的是经过无菌加工处理和包装的产品。无菌产品,即其内容物不含任何微生物。由于细菌的繁殖能力与产品成分相关,为了避免内容物变质,产品通常达到”商业无菌”即可。
Package is like the 'coat' of products, which not only preserves inclusion but also shows the brand and other concerning information of products. It plays an important role in ensuring the high quality. Aseptic package is a system that can preserve the products from germ entering in the course of packing.
With the experience of 50 years, Tetra Pak broke the tradition of dairy and beverage industry, and supply the new package technology on the support of advanced system. Their system have spread through the world and keep expanding.
China Food Industry