党的十六大提出的 2 0 2 0年中国经济总量比 2 0 0 0年翻两番的奋斗目标 ,是一个极其艰巨而又确实可行的任务。可行性的根据在于现阶段中国经济存在着 9%的潜在增长率 ,并有着充分发挥这些潜力的有利条件。我们既要树立坚定的信心 ,又要高度重视面临的困难和风险并认真加以解决。
Quadrupling of the aggregate economic volume of the year 2000 by 2020 as an objective set by the 16th National Congress of CPC is an arduous and yet feasible task. Its feasibility lies in the fact that currently there are potentials for China's economy to achieve a growth rate of 9% and also advantages to exploit the potentials to the full. We must consolidate our confidence and pay high attention to the difficulties and risks.
Journal of China National School of Administration