产业结构调整与优化是经济体制改革向纵深推进的需要 ,而现代物流是各国经济调整的重要组成部分 ,也是新一轮的经济增长点 ,两者有着内在的密切联系 ,在一定程度上有着相互推进的关系。文章首先指明了产业结构调整和优化的总体趋势与中国的产业结构现状 ,而后着重论述了现代物流的再造对于推进产业结构调整与优化的重要意义 ;进而结合中国物流业的现状 ,就现代物流再造问题提出了相应的见解 ,即在体制再造、主体再造与外部环境再造方面取得突破 ,阐明了在产业结构调整与优化这一重要时期更应重视现代物流发展的主要观点。
The adjustments of Industrial Structure has great influ en ce on the carrying out of our country's reformation, and the modern logistical i ndustry plays an important role in the tide of such an adjustment, the two sect ions are integral parts of the whole. First of all, based on the present situati ons of industrial structure in China, the thesis stresses on the significance th at the modern logistical industry has brought to the industrial structure, and t hen, the viewpoint on the reconstruction of the modern logistical industry is pu t forward. During the exposition, the reconstruction of management system, the r econstruction of market subjects and the reconstruction of external environment are included.
Northern Economy and Trade