北欧四国社会保障制度存在很大程度的一致性 ,这种一致性构成所谓斯堪的纳威亚模式的社会保障制度的基本特征。但是 ,归于同一斯堪的纳威亚模式的北欧四国的社会保障制度存在明显的差别。这种差别性不仅使得各国社会保障制度具有自己的国别特色 。
There is more unanimity in social security systems among the Scandinavian countries.This unanimity is the common feature of the model of Scandinavian social security system.But there are differences of social security systems among the Scandinavian countries.This difference makes the social security of every country more characteristics and the study of the Scandinavian model more useful.
Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University