在原子荧光光谱法中,通过改进地球化学样品的分解条件、预还原条件及测定条件,使砷、锑和汞能在同 一介质中测定,而且实现了砷与汞的双道同时测定。方法的检测出限、准确度及精密度均能达到行业要求。
An improved method for determination of As, Sb and Hg in geochemical samples by Hg- AFS is reported. The samples are dissolved with aqua regia. The solution is added with Victim C and thiourea, then with tartar. As, Sb and Hg in the solution can be determined directly by HG -AFS, and As and Hg may be determined simultaneously. The detection limit, accuracy and precision for the method are in agreement with the needs of the-document .
Acta Geologica Sichuan