哈尔滨市原有防汛指挥系统存在信息获取和处理手段落后的缺陷 ,为此利用高新技术 ,建设一个信息采集系统、通信系统、计算机网络系统和决策支持系统四部分组成的现代化防汛指挥系统 ,从而大幅度地提高防汛信息收集、洪水预测、防汛指挥决策的科学性和快速反应能力 ,充分发挥现有防洪体系的作用 。
The existing flood control command system in Harbin City has shortcomings such as backward treatment means and acquirement of information. Therefore, a modernization flood control command system which consists of four parts, i.e. information collection system, communication system, computer network system and policy making supporting system shall be built by using this high and new technology. So it can greatly improve the science and rapid reaction capacity of collection of flood control in formation, flood control forecast and flood control command pilicy making. It can also give full play to the existing flood control system to reach the maximum aim of flood control and calamity reducing.
Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control