根据该起事故的起因及专家组的现场调查报告 ,结合山东平邑、福建永安 2起事故 ,对乳化炸药生产工艺中的关键设备———乳化器的安全性能进行了剖析。 3起事故的共性是机械中金属部件高速磨擦产生的热积累最终引爆了乳化基质。
Based on the cause of this accident and on-site investigation report made by the expert group and in combination with two accidents in Pingyi, Shandong and Yongan, Fujian, analysis was made on the safety performance of emulsifier, which was the key equipment in the production technology of emulsified explosives. The general character of these accidents was that it was the accumulation of heat induced by the high speed friction of the metal parts in machinery that ignited the emulsification matrix. Some opinions concerning the comprehensive treatment measures for the production line safety of emulsified explosives were proposed.
Metal Mine