目的 总结 2 0kg以下小儿心脏直视手术的体外循环管理。方法 5 1例先心病小儿 ,均在体外循环下行心脏畸形矫治术。体外循环采用浅低温灌注 3 8例 ,中低温灌注 10例 ,深低温灌注 3例。心肌保护采用 4℃的改良st.Thomas停跳液。结果 体外循环时间 3 0~ 14 6min ,平均 5 0 .0 0± 2 0 .40min ,主动脉阻断时间 14~ 10 7min平均 3 6.61± 18.46min ,心脏自动复跳 3 8例 ,电击除颤 13例 ,无体外循环意外及并发症发生 ,全部安全脱机。
Objective: To manage pediatric cardiopulmonary bypass in heart operation. Methods: 51 children with congenital heart disease were operated under cardiopulmonary bypass.Extracorporeal circulation was carried out under deephypothermia perfusion 3 children and midhypothermia perfusion 10 children and lighthypothermia perfusion 38 children.4℃ st.Thomas cardioplegia was carried out. Results: Cardiopulmonary bypass time was ranged from 30 to 146 min[mean(50.00±20.40)min],Aortic cross clamping time ranged from 14 to 107min[mean(36.61±18.46)min].All children were safe and without complication. Conclusion: Combination myocardial protection during cardiopulmonary bypass is effecive and safe technique.
Hainan Medical Journal