目的 研究 3个从怀槐 (Maackia amurensis)中提取分离得到的异黄酮单体化合物 (染料木素genistein、芒柄花黄素 form ononetin、鸢尾种苷元 tectorigenin)的抗肿瘤细胞增殖效应。方法 采用 MTT法将不同浓度的异黄酮单体化合物分别对 2种肿瘤细胞进行生长抑制实验。结果 三者在浓度为 10 μg/m l和10 0 μg/ml时对人胃癌细胞 (BGC)和人淋巴样白血病细胞 (HL- 6 0 )的生长均有不同程度的抑制作用。结论 三者中染料木素 genistein对 BGC细胞的生长抑制作用最强 ,鸢尾种苷元 tectorigenin对 HL- 6
Objective To study the anti tumor effect of genistein,formononetin and tectorigenin isolated from Maackia amurensis.Methods MTT assay was applied to investigate the tumor cells growth inhibitory effect by different concentrations of isoflavonoids.Results The growth of BGC and HL 60 were all inhibited by the concentrations of genistein,formononetin and tectorigenin at dose 10 μg/ml and 100 μg/ml.Conclusion Genistein was most effective to inhibit the growth of BGC cell and tectorigenin was most effective to inhibit the growth of HL 60 cell.
Research and Practice on Chinese Medicines