目的 评价 B超、CT、MRI对眼内恶性肿瘤的诊断价值。方法 将 10 6例临床诊断为眼内恶性肿瘤病人的门诊初步诊断、B超诊断、CT诊断、MRI诊断和术前诊断与病理诊断进行对比分析 ,计算各种诊断的误诊率。统计 10 6例病人的并发症。结果 10 6例中临床诊断 (术前诊断 )为视网膜母细胞瘤 80例、脉络膜黑色素瘤 18例 ,脉络膜转移癌 8例 ,获得病理证实分别为 79例、18例和 7例。各阶段诊断误诊率分别为门诊初步诊断 44 .3 4%、B超诊断 4.72 %、CT诊断 16.0 9%、MRI诊断误诊率为 0 ,术前诊断 1.89%。继发青光眼占 3 3 .96%、继发视网膜脱离占 3 0 %、屈光间质混浊占 2 4.5 3 %。结论 眼内恶性肿瘤并发症较多 ,易造成误诊。 B超、MRI影像技术各有优势和不足 。
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic vlaue of ocular globe malignant tumors by ultrosond-B,CT and MRI examiniation.Methods 106 cases diagnosted clinically as malignant tumor in ocular globe were analyzd,and the diagnosis of priliminary outpatient department,Ultrasonography,CT,MRI and preoperative were comparaed with their histopathologic diagnosis.The complications in 106 cases were count also.Results 104 in 106 cases were confirmend histopathologically,The misdiagnosis ratio of preoperative was 1.89%,and other stage misdiagnostic ratio each was preliminary outpatient department 44.34%,Ultrasonography 4.72%,CT 16.09% and MRI was zero.The complication incidence were secondary glaucoma 33.96%,secondary retinal detachment 30% and refractive matter opacity 24.53%.Conclusions The malignant tumors were misdiagnosed easily because these clinical complications were more prepondernant than their own manifestations.It's effective way to avoid misdiagnosis of these tumors to make reasonable choice of ultrosonad-B,CT and MRI.
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology