教育经费的需求方面与供给方面发生了重大变化 ,它们之间的矛盾突出 ,教育经费筹措的形势异常严峻。因此 ,提出首先要改革老的教育经费筹措渠道 ,继续强化国家财政性拨款 ,积极发展民办教育 ,争取更多社会团体和公民个人办学经费 ,适当提高中等教育的学杂费收费标准 ,加强校办产业、勤工俭学和社会服务 ,为办学筹措更多的资金。其次要努力开辟新的筹措渠道 ,实行研究生收费制度 ,实行毕业生有偿录用制度 ,建立教育银行 ,努力增加教育捐赠 (集 )经费 。
This paper suggests ways for raising educational funds. Firstly, the old channels should be reformed by increased fiscal education budget, the funds from the non-governmental educational investment in private schools, reasonably raised tuition fee standard, and funds collected from school-run industries and services; Secondly, new channels can be created by establishing tuition-charging system for postgraduate education, adopting a compensated mechanism for graduate employment, establishing educational banks, increasing donations to education, and issuing welfare lottery tickets to absorb social funds.
Journal of Jianxi Agricultural University :Social Sciences Edition