中西蜂蜂王性引诱信息素对中、西蜂雄蜂具有交互引诱交尾作用 ,且处女王婚飞和雄蜂出游时间一致。在中、西蜂 (主要指意蜂 )混养区 ,空中交尾竞争处于劣势的中蜂 ,受到西蜂严重干扰而繁殖受阻 ,是中蜂在平原等地区日益缩减多因素中的一个重要原因。蜂种间“自然交尾干扰”论点的提出 ,为保护中蜂资源、发展中蜂生产提供了科学依据。
There is interspecific receptivity to Queen sex pheromones between the bee species Apis cerana and Apis mellifera. Also the timing of the mating flights of virgin Queens and their drones is almost the same in both species. Consquently, in regions where both A. cerana and A. mellifera (A. mellifera Ligustica) occur, A. cerana can suffer serious mating interference by A. mellifera resulting in greatly reduced mating success. This is one of the most important factors in the decline of A. cerana in certain areas. The theory of natural mating interference between different types of bees provides a scientific basis for the protection and development of A. cerana apiculture.
Entomological Knowledge