The Decision Support System (DSS) used by the Australian Plague Locust Commission for management of several important migratory insect pests in Australia is described. The DSS is based on a Geographic Information System that integrates data on weather and habitat condition with the migration, development and distribution of the pest to prepare forecasts and aid decisions for control. The GIS is module based with the number and nature of the modules easily modified depending on the detail of data required to manage the pest concerned.
DecisionSupportSystem(DSS)是澳大利亚疫蝗治理委员会用于治理几种重要迁飞性害虫的决策支持系统。该系统以地理信息系统 (GIS)为平台 ,将天气资料和害虫栖境条件与害虫的迁飞、发育及分布数据进行整合以发布预测并辅助防治决策。该系统呈模块化结构 ,其模块的数量和性质可根据目标害虫治理所需的具体资料方便地调整。