目的 :提高对椎间孔内腰椎间盘突出的CT诊断及临床意义的认识。方法 :对 1 2例椎间孔内腰椎间盘突出行CT扫描 ,术后回顾性阅片。结果 :椎间孔内腰椎间盘突出的CT表现为椎间孔内软组织块影 ,周围脂肪消失。结论 :常规椎间盘CT扫描范围应包括整个椎间孔 ,以避免椎间孔内椎间盘突出的漏诊。椎间孔内椎间盘突出临床症状较重 ,且临床症状与CT检查对病变部位的定位不相吻合。椎间孔内椎间盘突出CT检查敏感性较高 ,但特异性稍差 。
Objective:To improve CT diagnostic value of extrusion disc in intervertebral foramen.Methods:The analysis of the film retrospectively of the pre and post contrasted CT features of twelve patients with extrusion disc in intervertebral foramen.Results:The 12 patients CT images show mass in intervertebral foramen.The mass contain the extrusion disc in the tract.The fat around the mass disappear.Conclusion:The sensitivity of CT in diagnosis extrusion disc in intervertebral foramen is high.The specificity is a little lower than the sensitivity.
Journal of Medical Imaging