森林经济是以森林作为全部或部份要素的生产关系的总和,包括森林及其附加的生产、交换或消费等经济活动。在森林、村寨、梯田、江河四度循环共构的哈尼梯田文化中,森林具有十分重要的地位,森林是哈尼人的摇篮,是梯田文化的源泉。哈尼 阿卡族以森林为中心的图腾文化具有生态文明的特征。梯田农耕经济和森林经济是哈尼 阿卡族经济生活中两足鼎立的二大支柱,而森林经济是最活跃、最有发展前途的经济成分,是哈尼族梯田文化的新发展,是21世纪哈尼 阿卡族社会经济文化发展的新路。
Forest Economy is the sum total of productive relations which have forests as the whole or part of the essentials, including forests and their accompanying production, exchange, consumption and other economic activities. In Hani's culture of terraced fields composed of the circle of forests, villages, terraces and rivers, forests are important to such an extent that forests are the cradle of the Hani people and the source of the culture of terraced fields. The culture that Hani / Ahka considers forests as the major totem bears features of eco-civilization. The farming economy of terraced fields and the forest economy are the two mainstays in the economic life of the Hani people . And the forest economy is the most active and the most promising economic component, and it is the latest development of Hani's culture of terraced fields, and it is a new way to develop Hani's society,economy and culture.
Journal of Mengzi Teachers' College