审判委员会工作制度是人民法院审判案件中的重要法律制度 ,由于各种因素的影响 ,如审理与判存在脱节现象 ,公开审理不能完全落到实处 ;审判效率有待提高 ;回避制度不健全现象。从改革和完善审判委员会工作出发 ,提出了以下改进措施 :(1)严格限制审判委员会讨论案件的范围 ;(2 )审判委员会讨论案件 ,仅限于提出看法和意见 ,不能决定案件的最后裁判 ;(3)改变审判委员会讨论案件的方式 ;(4)
The regulations for the judicial committee are the basic legal regulations for the people's court to try cases. Due to various reasons, there are many problems in the performance of the judicial committee, judging cases and sentencing are not consistent , cases can't be tried in public and often inefficient, incomplete evading system etc. All these factors seriously affected the judges' sense of responsibilities and quality-improving. On the other hand, Imperfect systems also affected fairness of case-trying. In order to reform and improve the performance of the judicial committee, the article here puts forward series of measures.
Journal of Tianshui Normal University