在研究性学习中选题是至关重要的一步 ,是创新的起点和开端。课题选择的质量如何 ,对于促进研究性学习的实施至关重要。要指导学生选好课题 ,教师就要考虑学生的知识能力水平及年龄特征 ,作到由抽象到具体的过渡 ;由大到小的过渡 ;由封闭到开放性的过渡 ;由理论向实践的过渡 ;由单纯的兴趣到可行性、价值性的过渡。
Selecting subject is a key step in research study and the beginning of originality. The quality of the selected subject is crucial to promotion of research study. Teachers should take into consideration students' knowledge level and their age characteristics to realize the transformation from abstract to concrete, from big to small, from close to open, from theoretical to practical, from simple interesting to practical and valuable, so as to promote the implementation of research study.
Journal of Tianshui Normal University