

Characteristics of Land Resources and Environment in the Region of Ganyu
摘要 概述了苏北赣榆地区的国土资源 (包括矿产资源、水资源、旅游资源等 )与地质环境 (包括水体环境、工程地质环境及灾害地质等 )特征。总体上该地区资源丰富 ,生态环境保持得较好 ,但客观上地区差异明显 ,存在一些资源和地质环境问题 ,并应引起地方各级政府部门的高度重视。 With the uplifting of living standards,the environment and resources draw much attention from the public,as they are two elements for the existence and development of the Mankind. How to make a rational use of the resources,intensify the study and protection of the environment has become a very urgent issue for the governments at all levels and geoscientific staff,the principal mission at present is to understand the current properties of a region in terms of resources and environment with an aim of making exact policies. Ganyu region,a subordinate city of Liangyungang,is located geotectonically in the middle and south parts of Su Jiao(north Jiangsu south Shandong) metamorphic mass(an eastern stretching part of the east Tanlu Fracture of Qinling Orogenic Belt). The northwest of Ganyu is hills composed of old metamorphic rocks and Mesozoic intrusive rocks,the middle part of Ganyu is alluvial plain and alluvial fan plain,the east of Ganyu is littoral plain and 80% of the whole area is covered by Quaternary system with the land form dipping from northwest to southeast be degrees. The characters of land resources(inclusive of minerals,water resources,tourism resources) and geoenvironment(inclusive of watery environment,engineering geological environment and disaster environment). As a whole,the region is rich in resources and the environment is kept well,but the case varies distinctly in regions,which should trigger great notice.
作者 张祥云
出处 《江苏地质》 2003年第1期25-30,共6页 Jiangsu Geology
关键词 赣榆地区 国土资源 地质环境 江苏 生态环境 灾害地质 Land resources Geological environment Ganyu,Jiang su
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