色木槭(Aeer mono Maxim.)是分布于亚洲东部的一个变异极大的种。本文报道了7个亚种:色木槭(原亚种)(subsp.mono);海岛色木槭(亚种)(subsp.marmoraturn(Nichols.)T.Z.Hsu);毛萼色木槭(亚种)(subsp.glabrum(Levl.et Vant.)T.Z.Hsu);里光色木槭(亚种)(subsp.trichobasis(Nakai)T.Z.Hsu);金沙色木槭(亚种)(subsp.tricuspis(Rehd.)T.Z.Hsu);弯翅色木槭(亚种)(subsp.incurvaturn(Fang et P.L.Chiu)T.Z.Hsu);粉绿色木槭(亚种)(subsp.glaucum(Koidz.)T.Z.Hsu),讨论了其变异式样和地理分布。
Acer mono Maxim., a species with great varibility, is distributed in Eastern Asia. This paper reports its 7 subspecies and discusses its taxonomy and distribution.a.Acer mono Maxim, subsp. mono is distributed in east part of Siberia in U.S.S.R., east part of Mongolia, Korea, north-east to Chang-jiang valley, south part of Xizang of China and Japan.b.Acer mono Maxim, subsp. marmoratum ( Nichols. ) T. Z. Hsu is distributed in west coast of the Pacific of Honshu. Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan.c.Acer mono Maxim, subsp. glabrum( Levl. et Vant.) T. Z.Hsu is distributed in Sakhalin of U. S. S. R., Miyagi ken of Japan and south part of Korea.d.Acer mono Maxim. subsp. trichobasis.( Nakai) T. Z. Hsu is distributed in Tochigi. Gunma and Shizuoka in Japan.e.Acer mono Maxim, subsp. tricuspis ( Rehd.) T. Z. Hsu is distributed in east to west part of Sichuan and Northwestern of Yunnan in China.f.Acer mono Maxim, subsp. incurvatum ( Fang et P. L. Chiu ) T. Z. Hsu is distributed in west of Tianmu shan of Zhejiang in China.g.Acer mono Maxim subsp. glaucum(Koidz.)T. Z. Hsu is distributed in Yamagata and Niigata in Japan.
Acer mono Maxim.
A. mono Maxim. subsp. mono
A. mono Maxim. subsp. marmoratum ( Koidz. ) T. Z. Hsu
A. mono Maxim. subsp. glabrum ( Levl. et Vant. ) T.Z.Hsu
A. mono Maxim, subsp. trichobasis ( Nakai) T. Z. Hsu
A. mono Maxim subsp. tricuspis