义利问题 ,既是一个古老的问题 ,又是一个常论常新的问题。在目前市场经济条件下 ,如何坚持正确的义利取舍标准 ,树立科学的社会主义义利观 ,彰显公民道德建设的中国特色 ,进而发展诚信经济 ,是经济学界和伦理学界需要深入探讨和亟待解决的课题。在总结以往义利观讨论的基础上全面回答了有关义利观的主要问题 ,构建了以 2 1世纪价值取向为重点的社会主义义利观的科学体系 ,是对《社会主义义利观》一书的最好评价。
The problem of loyalty and interest is an old problem as well as a new one. Under the present market economic conditions, it is still a subject for the economic and ethic circle to make further inquiries and then find proper solutions as to how to adhere to the correct criterion on loyalty and interest, how to acquire the scientific socialist standpoint of it, etc. It is of great necessity to establish the 21st century scientific value-oriented system on loyalty and interest, based on the former discussions.
Journal of Henan College of Financial Management Cadres