作者以某市三所小学部分学生为被试 ,就父母教养方式与儿童社会期望的关系问题展开调查 ,结果表明 ,在情感温暖、过分保护干涉、拒绝否认等维度上 ,子女对母亲教养方式的报告明显高于父亲教养方式的报告得分 ,但在惩罚严厉上得分低于父亲 ,且过分干涉、过分保护、拒绝否认等维度上存在性别差异 ,儿童社会期望男女差异显著 ,父母教养方式与儿童社会期望存在一定程度的相关。
This paper looks into the inerrelation of paronts' rearing and educating patterns and child social desirability on examining some pupils of three primary schooks in the city of Chandsha.Findings shows that mothers get higher marks than fathers in the respects of emotional care,excessive protection and interference,rejection and denying,while getting lower marks in the degree of punishment.In addition,there exists sexual difference among excessive interference and excessive protection and rejection and denying,which is the distinct difference of educations on boys and girls.Parents' rearing and educating patterns correlate with child social desirability to some degree.
Journal of Changsha Social Work College