随着我国资本市场的日益发展与壮大 ,在国际资本市场融资的中国公司到国内资本市场运作的愿望变得越来越迫切 ,在国内发行CDR是它们进入中国市场的一种方式。作者在文中介绍了CDR发行的国内外背景、发行CDR的市场缺陷与市场积极意义 ,提出CDR作为一种新型融资工具 。
With the development and increasingly growing of China's capital market,those Chinese corporations in collecting and circulating funds from international capital market have a eager wish of operating in the domestic market.One way for them to enter the domestic market is to issue CDR at home.This article introduces the domestic and foreign background of CDR issue and the market shortcomings and market positive significance for CDR issue and points out that CDR,as a new means of collection and circulation of funds,will speed up financial innovation of the securities market in our coutry.
Journal of Changsha Social Work College